
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) International, Incorporated is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, U.S.A. IHE International enables users and developers of healthcare information technology to achieve interoperability of systems through the precise definition of healthcare tasks, the specification of standards-based communication between systems required to support those tasks and the testing of systems to determine that they conform to the specifications. The work is managed by IHE committees and sponsored by various national and international bodies.

IHE International Principles of Governance

The IHE International, Incorporated Principles of Governance describes the organization, policies and procedures of IHE International, Inc. It was officially adopted by the Board of IHE International on October 5, 2007. The current amended version was adopted October 10, 2024.

Changes to the Principles of Governance and other governance documents of IHE International can be proposed through the document change request process described here. General comments can be submitted to the Secretariat of IHE International:

Christopher Carr
Director of Informatics
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
Board Secretary, IHE International, Inc.

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Intellectual Property

The intellectual property policies of IHE International are described fully in Appendix A of the IHE International Principles of Governance. These policies include a Patent Disclosure duty for IHE Member Organizations (section A.3).

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IHE International is composed of Member Organizations interested in improving the interoperability of healthcare information systems. An organization that becomes a member of IHE International may designate representatives to participate in Domain Committees and National/Regional Deployment Committees
relevant to its interests.

Organizations interested in applying to become members of IHE should complete the online form linked below. The application process requires submitting a copy of the Declaration, which binds the organization to the IHE Principles of Governance, including its intellectual property provisions, signed by a duly authorized representative of the applicant organization.

Member organization applications will be reviewed for approval at the next meeting of the IHE International Board following their submission.

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Domain Committees

These committees develop and maintain the IHE Technical Frameworks addressing
interoperability in their respective clinical and operational areas of
healthcare. Currently, the active IHE domains are:

IHE member organizations may propose new IHE domains for consideration by the IHE International Board:

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National/Regional Deployment Committees

Deployment committees based in a given country or group of countries promote
the appropriate use within their respective geographic areas of the
specifications defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks. The active IHE National
and Regional Deployment Committees include:

IHE Asia-Oceania


IHE Europe


IHE North America


South America


Middle East


The Netherlands
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia


IHE member organizations may propose new IHE national or regional deployment committees for consideration by the IHE
International Board.

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IHE International Board

The IHE International Board is the primary governing committee for all IHE development activities. It is composed of representatives from each of the IHE Domains, National and Regional IHE Initiatives, and IHE Sponsor Organizations.

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